Tuesday 3 June 2014
6/03/2014 11:21:00 am

Not the One

What could I say except that I had hoped that this time it would be different, that I felt more than what it actually was. Oh man, I couldn’t be more wrong.
And how did I realize that?
Because when I was in my most somber condition, the closest I can be with my lord, I didn’t think of him, or any man for that matter. Or woman, in case you are wondering. And for me, it was a sign enough, that he is not the one.
And let’s not forget the fact that he is taken. Seriously taken as in he will marry his girlfriend sometimes this year.
My friends said that his girlfriend is not beautiful. That kind of a point for him, right? For both of them. If what my friend said is true, that she is not, indeed, beautiful, there would be some theories arise from that statement, that, one, she is smart or has good personalities, or both, and two, that he’s such a good man to see past her lack of physical beauty to her inner traits.
And what kind of man who’s faithfully devoted to someone he is having a long distance relationship with and who others wouldn’t call a beauty? He’s gotta be head over heels in love with her.
I would be lying if  said that I wouldn’t be curious about him anymore, I’m a natural people watcher. I will always take a glance at him now and then, listen while he speaks in his accentuated English.
But the volatile emotion I used to feel won’t be there anymore, and I couldn’t be happier of that. Or so I say. #Snape


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