Tuesday 11 November 2014
11/11/2014 11:38:00 am

Rangga you jerk!

Sejak lima hari lalu, Indonesia dihebohkan dengan adanya sebuah video yang beredar di Youtube secara viral.
OK, itu kedengarannya klise banget, dan agak exaggerating perhaps? Whops! My bad. But seriuosly, I am really excited over this video which I found accidently  in Youtube a few days ago, which was kinda awesome considering how much I love the movie.

OK, OK, I know, I have to stop blabbering so much and start talking about what actually I am err blabbering about.
The video I am talking about is a mini sequel to an Indonesian romantic movie released 12 years ago, yup, you read it right, twelve years! Entitled Ada Apa dengan Cinta.

Setelah merasa kecewa dengan serial dengan judul yang sama beredar beberapa tahun lalu, yang bisa saja dianggap sequel sebenarnya, gw udah pesimis sih sama sequel apapun yang bakal dibikin buat film ini, tapi sequel mini ini proved me wrong.
It was nicely packed in a ten minutes duration mini clip. Kenapa cuma sepuluh menit? Well, ini sebenernya adalah sebuah iklan untuk produk software. And I have to admit, siapapun yang punya ide buat bikin iklan ini dengan dikemas pake kisahnya Cinta sama Rangga patut diacungin jempol dah.

It's kinda nostalgic watching this mini sequel, kept me smiling during the short ten minutes, rekindling the old major crush I had on Rangga when I was a teenager. Dan sepanjang nonton itu gw pengen teriak ke Rangga: "Cinta udah punya anak Ngga!" And then smile and added softly to him: "Dear my future husband, I am here all along, in case you are wondering why you are single all this time" Muahahahaha. Yeah, despite Rangga being a jerk, waiting twelve years to come back to the girl he has promised to come back to in his poem (which is my favorite poem of his). Itupun dia pulang just because he had this business trip to Jakarta, gah! Rangga, I expect better of you, really!

And Nicholas Saputra, please note, I have a crush on Rangga, not you. Well, maybe you too, a little, it's just I am too logical in being a realist to rise my hope high for you, hahaha, who am I kidding about anyway! (Please God, don't let him read this humiliating confession).

Dan still, puisi harus ada dong di mini clip ini:

Adalah cinta yang mengubah jalannya waktu.
Karena cinta, waktu terbagi dua
Denganmu dan rindu untuk membalik masa
Detik tidak pernah melangkah mundur tapi kertas putih itu selalu ada

Waktu tidak pernah berjalan mundur
Dan hari tidak pernah terulang
Tetapi pagi selalu menawarkan cerita yang baru

 Untuk semua pertanyaan yang belum sempat terjawab

I love it how the poet used the pun on the word 'cinta'. Jadi itu maksudnya cinta as in love, atau Cinta si cewek yang dulu harus ditinggalkan Rangga? Or maybe both?

Anyway, you can watch this mini sequel on YouTube, or because I know you are too lazy even to satisfy your curious mind, I will embed it here for you here. Very kind of me right? *fanning face*


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