Thursday 3 March 2011
3/03/2011 06:08:00 pm

Beauty or Brain?

What is it between male and stupidity?
If you are a Venus, maybe you'll anwer
"It's their middle name."
If you are that species who'd gladly be called Adonis, maybe you'll answer
"That's our sport."
I don't know, anyone?
I remember one day, in a debate seminar, the host asked the guy right in front of me which one he'd preffer, a smart but not so beautiful woman or vice versa, a beautiful but not so smart woman. Without so much hesitation, the guy answered the second one. I snorted (loudly and unladylikely, glad that he didn't bother turning around to see me), thinking, that's why women mostly prefer smart men; they are rare. Something rare usually means something good.
Now I know why that stupid guy, not so stupid now that I realize, said so.
I think it's because their so called male ego.
Yup, no smart guy want to be outsmarted by smart girl, unless he is not smart at all.
That's why they choose rather,umm...obedient girl.

It keeps me wondering though, who'll choose me then? ^^


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