Thursday 8 March 2012
3/08/2012 08:09:00 pm

First Child

I always thought that being a first child is rather fun. You get the privilege to be the only child for a while, not to mention the right to boss your younger siblings around. But now, with my age and all, not that I'm that old, I think I will simply put myself in my place, that's is, being a good first child.
I have two younger brothers, the first is seven years younger and the second is ten years younger than the second. Now you can imagine the age gaps between us. I even often got confused with my mom when I go somewhere with my youngest brother. Yes, I know he is cute and all but there's no way I will let others think I'm a mother when I don't even have a boyfriend. Now, now, if I have a boyfriend, maybe the case will be different. I'll gladly play a happy mother if he's the happy father. Haha, that sounds pathetic.
 I love my brothers, even though I never told them that. They are annoying sometimes often, but what more annoying is when I miss them annoying me. This is a picture of my brothers, please note, I'm not giving you clues of how I look like. You can tell how different they are, so I am. I look nothing like them (cross finger).
First brother


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