Friday 6 December 2013
12/06/2013 07:28:00 am

These Unromantic Romantic Songs

It's amazing how you
Can speak right to my heart.
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark.

Try as I may, I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing.

The smile on your face
Lets me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me.
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall.

Whoops! Sorry to pause your singing

I know this song. Most of you know this song. My friends like this song and love singing it. They  keep updating their Facebook status with this song verses, chirping in twitter with its line.

And every time one of all those things above happens, I can't help myself thinking " What's so romantic of people trying to tell you politely to shut up?"

OK, this song is downright romantic, up until Keating says "You say it best when you say nothing at all" which is also this Ronan Keating's ballad's title, in case you don't know, which I doubt.

So, I shouldn't judge that line alone without giving the other lines consideration, but just like this another song that I find annoying and most people find romantic, I can't help shuddering whenever I hear that line. I mean, imagine your wife or husband or girlfriend or boyfriend or your whatever say this line to you. Now, does it inspire you to say something rude politely? *grin

So, now you are wondering what this other song is.

It is Bruno Mars' song. You know, the song that often used in those proposal videos going viral on YouTube. Yep! That's right baby! Marry You.
Here's the part of the lyric that I find, errr, uncomfortable to listen to, despite the catchy tune.

It's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

I think you know why I feel what I feel right away without me explaining. :)


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