Sunday 15 December 2013
12/15/2013 08:30:00 am

If I were a Boy

Last night, out of curiosity, I asked some of my closest women friends this questions;
1.if i were a boy, what'd you like about me?
2.what wouldn't u like?
From five of them, two would like to be my girlfriend, lol, ok, that sounds weird.  Here's their answers, without editing :p
*I wouldnt like u bcs i like tender caring man. (OK, that said something).

*Princess, I know it's suck but I gotta tell you, you're not a woman. yet.
hang in there, girl.
1. as a friend I like how you different you are. I mean you seem so distinc bout everything... ur tought, ur taste, even ur stuffs. You made us seem need to reconsider ours.
2. a ls friend I don't like how so clueless I am bout what make you flipped out. Sometimes I really couldn't make anythinv of you do. It's not a bad thing. a girl must have some secrets. but please give a little mercy sometimes...
sorry took long time... love ya princess <3
(trust me, I've told her not to call me that, sucks)

* if u're a boy,i'd fall 4 u 4m d'1st time we met :D (thank God u r a girl) #plaak
id like d'way u care,haha,ur boldness,id like to listen to u,askin ur suggestion f mostly everything
I wudnt like ur ignorance (if u're my boyfriend),wudnt like ur inside joke cz i didnt knw wht it's all bout -_- #pathetic
(she's really good for my ego, hahaha)

* Id like u for ur smart mouth?n I wuldnt like u for ur smart mouth too. Haha
(I'll take that as a compliment)

*I wouldn't like u bcs I'm smart enough without u, n it wouldn't be good for my ego to be with u, u knw.
(my smart mouth again, or maybe, not that smart, eh?)
Midnight survey via texts. They are nice, aren't they? :D


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