Friday 22 February 2013

Strange Chat with a Stranger

So, today I talk with a boy, that is, if you could call a 19 years old a boy, and even that, I don't know for sure. We met at omegle,  a random chat website, in the jungle of internet. We don't know who we talk with here, unless you make the introduction, hence the name stranger on the nick part.
It's very unfortunate that we lost our connection before we say enough for our chat. It is such a bizarre conversation for me that I couldn't just throw it away. I copied and pasted it here. If you are this stranger I met, then maybe we can talk again. LOL. That would be almost impossible. So here is the conversation. You mean me, and stranger would be that, umm, boy?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: hi there

Stranger: How are you?

You: im good, thanks.

You: how about u?

Stranger: Depressed

You: who isnt?

You: pray tell, why?

Stranger: Many reasons, I miss my gf, I dont really have any friends anymore

Stranger: No job

Stranger: No drivers license yet

You: ah, so u r a teen

Stranger: Actually the end of it

You: u r too young to feel depressed

Stranger: Very cclose

You: u've got family right?

Stranger: Yeah

You: that's better than having a gf, i think

You: I dnt knw

You: im not someone u should talk to when u r depressed

Stranger: I would die for my gf, that would be the best thing ever... Sorry if it bothers you

You: the best thing u can do is dying for ur gf??

You: sorry

You: but i cnt undrstand

Stranger: I am almost 20, and I dont feel happy often

You: emo, eh?

Stranger: No

You: why dont u have a friend?

Stranger: I cant afford one

You: here i think they come for free

Stranger: True I have made friends here

Stranger: 1 or 2

You: good

Stranger: But I feel embarassed having them

You: huh?

You: who r u?

You: oh, u r above them, i see

Stranger: No

Stranger: I am 20... They are 14, it makes me feel like I am not a person

You: sorry, but im laughing here

Stranger: :( Go ahead

Stranger: I get teased and sometomes bullied in class

You: why would u have friends aged 14?

You: no no

You: i dnt mean that, sorry

You: at least u wont get bullied here in omegle

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: Thats a relief

You: why dnt u have friend in ur age?

You: r u ugly or something?

Stranger: I do not have a voice, just a really quiet voice

Stranger: And I am very shy

You: ah, shy

Stranger: Not to mention I make stupid mistakes

You: like what?

Stranger: When I like a girl I always di the same mistakes

You: uh huh?

You: and wht mistakes r they?

Stranger: Like her, buy her a gift and or love letter, brief moment she likes it, then it ends

You: love letter?

You: r u sure u r 20?

Stranger: Yes,

You: wait, where r u frm? if u wanna tell me

Stranger: British Columbia, Canada

You: hmm

Stranger: The most unfavored person on Omegle... :(

You: not most, at least i dnt knw u before,

You: and still

Stranger: The second I say 19 M Canada

You: u cn count me out

Stranger: They leave

You: bcs u say 19 m canada

You: it's nt u

You: it's, well, them

Stranger: Lie? Doesnt feel good

Stranger: Lies makes things worse

You: if u say ur asl like that

You: it seems u r asking them for their asl too (aint u?)

You: n people who ask asl, tend to wanting that kind of conversation

You: if u knw what i mean

Stranger: Most are M 20 to 30s

You: maybe

You: i dnt knw, im nt here often

Stranger: They sound like they want to commit rape, its wrong

You: maybe they do

You: why did ur gf broke up with u?

Stranger: Parents on both sides

You: what?

Stranger: No = No

You: r u marrying her or what

Stranger: Never

You: then it's ok u broke up with her

You: why dnt u elope or smtg

Stranger: *sigh* She is the one girl I could ever love

You: that will give ur life some excitement

You: lol

You: no

Stranger: elope?

Stranger: smtg?

You: u just havent met the right one yet

You: elope= run away?

You: u r too young, like i said

Stranger: If I did I would probably commit suicide

You: people wait their whole lives to meet the right one

Stranger: If I ran

Stranger: awau

You: no, i mean, run away with her

You: (see? im nt good giving advice)

Stranger: Oh, well probably a death wish then

You: u plan to die soon?

Stranger: I see it coming some day

You: ah well

Stranger: Not yet

You: i never talk to soon-to-be-dead before

Stranger: I almost became hit and run once

You: lol

You: whoops, sorry

Stranger: Its fine

You: seriously, u can be funny if u try

Stranger: Damn lady turning left and almost killed me

Stranger: I was crossing too

You: maybe u r nt ready to die yet

Stranger: Maybe, but I may want to...

Stranger: Who knows...

Stranger: I see my death in dreams sometimes

You: yeah?

You: how?

Stranger: Car accident, shattered glass, blood...

You: eww

Stranger: Car upside down

You: i hate blood

You: do u like blood?

Stranger: Someways yes and no

Stranger: I taste my blood to understand my body

Stranger: You can tell your diet bu your blood

Stranger: Salty means too much sodium

Stranger: Harsh metallic means too high in iron

You: oh

Stranger: I sometimes bite my lip by accident

You: u can feel those in ur blood?

Stranger: Feel, not sure... Taste yes

Stranger: Salt is very noticable

Stranger: I am sorry if I am a really odd person

You: r we talking about the taste of blood?

Stranger: I have done worse

You: omg

You: lol

You: no, u r entertaining

You: sorry if that offense u

Stranger: I have tasted my own stuff... Sorry mayve I shouldnt say it

You: stuff

Stranger: I feel like a freak

You: maybe u r

Stranger: Semen...

Stranger: Ill leave

You: but there's nothing wrong with being a freak

You: it depends

You: who see u

Stranger: ?

You: nah

You: im rambling

Stranger: I see myself in the wrong bodies at random times

You: maybe u can find another freak to be friend with

You: uh huh?

You: like, u wanna be bigger or something?

Stranger: I want to be dead or invisible sometimed

You: i wanna be invisible sometimes

You: so thats quite normal

You: i think

Stranger: Sorry if this is odd

You: honestly, yes, it is

Stranger: My happiest moment in life would be taking a bullet for my gf, and die in her hands...

You: but i dnt mind

You: whoa

Stranger: If that happened I would feel much at peace

You: but then u r selfish

Stranger: Maybe, I rather save her life

You: how can u feel peace when u'r already dead?

Stranger: Life is a mystery

You: dnt u think about hw ur gf would fell about u being dead bcs of her?

You: *feel

Stranger: Oh I know she would feel sad

You: but?

Stranger: I dont mind if I pass on

You: ur parents? family?

You: u have such a low opinion about urself, dnt u knw that?

You: sorry

You: just being honest

Stranger: I know I do

Stranger: I live in it

You: u knw u do?

Stranger: Yes

You: hw can u survive?

You: oh well, u r not surviving if u think about death all the time

Stranger: In the presumed "afterlife" or most likely fake "reincarnation"

You: oh u believe in a afterlife, i see

Stranger: If reincarnation was real I eould want to be in the body of a female

Stranger: Dont like my life as a guy

You: why?

Stranger: Its a hard life

You: dnt u think it's hard to be a female?

Stranger: Maybe your right, maybe just be emptiness

Stranger: Like no one has heard of me because I am not real

You: do u wanna be a female now?

Stranger: Maybe not, but maybe

Stranger: I am lost in who I am

You: u knw what

You: umm

Stranger: I have been in a dream with full of mirros

Stranger: Dont understand it

You: i thought about it a few minutes ago, that u wanna be a female

Stranger: If gender change was 100% real without any problems I would

You: n thats the problem, that it's nt 100% free problem

Stranger: Yep, I know. I have watched many MTF YouTube videos

Stranger: Male to female

Stranger: I wish I could be that beautiful

You: maybe that's the problem why ur gf broke up with u

You: that she knw that u didnt want her

You: maybe u want another guy

That's it! How I wish I can continue the chat. *sigh


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