Thursday 14 February 2013
2/14/2013 08:26:00 am


Beauty is what beauty does.

Frankly, I believe this phrase as something the insecure women created. And no, before you ask, I haven't looked for the origin of the word. Sorry for being cynical, but that was just something the opposite sex leads me to think, that they want us women physically, at least for those five second their eyes collided. I'm not a chauvinistic brat to think that only men do this kind of thing. Women also tend to judge men from their appearances at their first meetings, although it kinda soothe me to think that they go through this phase faster than men.
So, instead of saying that true beauty is not found in superficial appearance but how one behaves and carries oneself -aside from how true it is- it will be better for women -who think they are not beautiful enough to be considered, well, beautiful, and to have their behavior or demeanor or deed as the SOLE factor of something that they are good at- to believe that they are indeed beautiful, in their own way. Because e=mc2 doesn't apply only in time, but beauty too. Beautiful is relative. So girls, you ARE beautiful.
(Even if you are the only one who thinks so, hehe *grin)



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