Sunday 12 May 2013
5/12/2013 08:15:00 am

Crepuscular Rays

Crepuscular rays adalah suatu fenomena yang sering kita jumpai, walaupun mungkin banyak dari kita yang tidak tau apa namanya. Crepuscular rays atau cahaya crepuscular adalah keadaan dimana cahaya matahari bersinar di sela-sela awan dan bersinar lebih terang dari daerah sekitarnya. Seperti keadaan dibawah ini:
photo by: Mila Zinkova

What a beautiful simple thingy right? It reminds me of love. Ah, you think I’m not capable of that feeling right? Just because I’ve never- no, forget that for another part.
Sometimes you take love for granted, just like sunlight. You need clouds to see crepuscular rays, just by then you will realize that it’s there all along.
(I can’t stop staring at those words I’ve just created, did I really make those? Whoa, hahahhahaha)


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