Saturday 23 November 2013
11/23/2013 08:07:00 am

Love at First Sight or Lust at First Sight?

Do you believe in love at first sight? And please don't complicate it by asking me back what is love, define love, blah blah blah, because I don't even know how to answer that! Lust at first sight, maybe, crush at first sight, surely, admiration at first sight, damn right baby, but love? I've always thought that I've never been in love before. And before you condemn me into a prudish life style or curse me for having too big of an ego, maybe you wanna read this another post about my vulnerability, my, my fragile heart, and so on and so on, hahaha.
I gotta admit though that maybe I have been in crush at first sight before, or, more accurately, crush at some first sights before. Is there any such thing? By the way, I realize that the more I know one, the more clearer it becomes that that one is not the one, confusing? It seems that the notion of liking someone you don't know is somewhat creepy, how if he is a serial killer, or someone who has not taken a bath for a year or two? Can you imagine that?! No? Ok, maybe I'm the creepy one.
Scientists say it needs five to ten second for our brain to decide whether we trust someone or not (too much watching Brain Games by Nat.Geo.). Maybe we confuse that reaction and combine it with the flutter in our stomach which, I might add, we feel whenever we see a beautiful human being, and decide that it is love! Don't believe it? How many times do you think people think that they fall at first sight with someone who they think is not beautiful, or not pretty, or not dashing, something like that.
I'm not saying that it has never happened to someone or never will, but for someone who always thought that she never has, but not saying never will (that's me that's me!), that's my theory, for now anyway, until someone proves me wrong.


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