Friday 16 November 2012
11/16/2012 09:53:00 am

Where Have You Been?

It’s been what, too long, right? I don’t know who’s insane enough to come to this so called blog, even me myself have never opened it. Ok, I have, it’s just very rare, it becomes uncountable.*grin*
Ok, first thing first. Why did I make this blog in the first place?
Because it seems to be so sophisticated to have an online journal. (Ha ha. Where on earth do you live?!)
So, what should I write here?
Life journal? A very uninteresting journal, that’s for sure. I’m not someone important, or interesting. At least for now. If you are a creature from 100 years from now, maybe you’ll find me as an interesting, not to mention ancient person from the past.
What about stories? I do like writing. Well, I like it so much it’s what I do almost every time. What do I write? A bunch of nonsense. A scene from human’s life. Trash. Rubbish. My thoughts. Almost everything. I like writing in English. I have to warn you though; I’m not a native speaker of English. It is what, my second language if you count my first two languages as one. That's the reason why my English is so adorable, haha. So please, please, please, if you found something grammatically incorrect here, or a mess of sppeliing, just ignore it! Pretend that you don’t see those mistakes. lol. No, please feel free to correct me. I’m an open wounded minded person.
So what you’ll get here maybe a bunch of nonsense written by a half lunatic who like stalking people. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!


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