Tuesday 4 December 2012
12/04/2012 10:02:00 am

Men's gossip?

Do Men Talk about the Opposite Sex the Way Women Do?
Men always think that if some women are gathered in a group of two or more, they will mostly talk about men. As a woman myself, talking from experience, I have to admit that yeah, we do. We talk about them almost about anything, and by anything I really mean anything, not in that kind of way the men talk about women though. What kind of way? You know, what mostly men thought about are their-the women’s- body: what size, what cup, how soft (please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not a man). Women tend to talk about anything as trivial as how the men wear their ties, how stupid they look on their first meeting, something like that. Yeah it sounds crueler than talking about one’s body, I know. 

                I have this girl friend who always talks about this one guy. He is her colleague. I don’t know him personally, but by the frequency she talks about him, it’s a wonder if I don’t feel a slightest bit personal about him. I often wonder, how stupid I am, to talk about, to think about, and sometimes to dream about, a man that I practically don’t know about except from what my girl friend told me. Sometimes it makes me feel stupid, small, and pathetic. Almost like a secret adoration, a little one-sided feeling. Not that I like him, despite what my friend always say what a great couple he and I would be, but knowing that he doesn’t even know my name bothers me, a lot. My ego won't let me do this kind of things, lol.
                I don’t want to generalize that women like to talk about men simply because what my friends and I do in our gatherings. But I think men do talk about us women, too. It’s not something to be embarrassed about, except when we are found out. *wink


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