Wednesday 5 December 2012
12/05/2012 07:40:00 am

Love and Insecurities

Yesterday, one of my most beautiful (everyone says so, so I have to think she's kinda so) friends told me her insecurities regarding one of her suitors (one of her suitors! When I don't even have one, not that I'm complaining, but still). Yep, she has so many of them, actually already rejected some. 
Enter this man, one of those suitors (ughh), who is a charming man who  used to woman falling at his feet, unfortunately for him (fortunately for me, I don't like his gut sometimes), he falls for this friend of mine, who of course is too smart to take his feelings seriously.
I'm cheering her for that, really, while deep down I know she's lying, even to herself. I never thought that the reason for her insecurity is because she thought she is NOT beautiful enough. I didn't know whether to laugh or to smack her head, I mean she could be so stupid sometimes. Isn't it ironic? My most beautiful friend who has insecurity about that kind of things.
I remember one of those women who fall for this man (this annoying man), the one who isn't as beautiful or even smart as my friend. He doesn't even know her existence. Sometimes I pitied her (isn't it enough?).
Why do they have to fall in love if it makes them so miserable?
Is it worth it?
Love is for masochists.
Come the word, flowing through my mind, FATE.


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