Monday 1 April 2013
4/01/2013 09:38:00 pm

Hellish days

So yeah, I've been away for a while (not that anybody missed me #sobs)
I've just finished my first degree, yay! I'm a bachelor, or should I say a bachelorette? The day of my exam, oh that daaaaaaaay, and those days afterward, maybe I won't forget them for the rest of my life.
The seminar of my thesis was held at eleventh of March, while the last day of registration for graduation ceremony was at the thirteen of March. Not to mention the twelve of March was a holiday. How's that for adrenaline rush, huh?
I was stated graduated at 5.30 pm, approximately six hours before the registration was closed. Cool?
Of course not. I seem to work best under pressure, which explain my tendency toward procrastination.
I was lucky this time, how about next time?
I should, no, I must stop this procrastinating side of mine.
#And now, I'm officially a jobless woman. whatthe!!!


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