Sunday 27 January 2013
1/27/2013 09:27:00 pm

Alpha male

It seems that I bring out the worst from people. Should I always be this offensive just because of my insecurities? I feel like a first class of bad woman (I can't make myself say it).
I think I need to apologize for those who are intimidated, are feeling down, feel the need to pull up their wall, and think that I'm rude, which can't be more correct.
Oh God, what have I done?
Sometimes we, I , think that just because some people were born male, they have no privilege to some feelings like hurt and vulnerability, to sulk, to cry, to be sad. I just assumed that they are supposed to be too strong for those feelings. Oh boy, how wrong of me.
I need to keep reminding myself that they.are.also.human.


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