Tuesday 22 January 2013
1/22/2013 09:15:00 pm

Take for Granted

It happened on one morning a few days ago. My money was limited and I kept complaining about it. I actually had to eat in the half price in which my friends ate. It went along with my habit not to eat rice though so they didn't notice it.
Let me tell you something that I'm not proud of: I am 22 years old. So I'm ashamed of my own age? No, not that.
In my country, no matter how old you are, as long as you are single, especially if you're a woman, you are still your parents' baggage. They pay for everything you spend. Yes right, I still get money from my folks. I'm not proud of it, but somehow, this twisted mind of mine still gets disappointed every time they send me the money late or less than usual.
That morning was one of those days when they sent it late. I kept saying to myself that it was okay, but apparently it was not enough to convince myself.
Then I saw him, an old man, bringing a really big basket over his head bending over to retrieve something from the road.
When i was close enough, I could see what he was holding, and it was a coin, a sparkling one, for that morning was a super hot with the sun blazing overhead, but a coin nevertheless.
It was like a blow to me. I kept complaining something that maybe other people don't even have: security. Seeing him holding the coin like a gold treasure remind me of how many people out there who were actually starving because they didn't have money to get food.
There's so many things that we take for granted in this world, now, I will try to respect it more.


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